

It's Meeting Time

The elders have invited Brother Andy Alexander of Bowling Green, KY to be with us next week from March 31stthrough April 1st(Monday thru Wednesday, at 7:00 p.m. each evening) in the preaching of our gospel meeting. 

 Brother Alexander will be a very capable minister of the gospel in his ability to bring forth sound, bible-based sermons. With our meeting starting next week, let's implement those things we can do to make this meeting a success that we have previously been announcing:

1)  Plan To Attend.  Keep these dates open on your calendar so you will have no conflicts with the meeting.  We need to work out things with our schedule so as to put first things first.  The Lord said, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness..."(Mt. 6:33).  It will take away from the meeting if you're not here àHeb.10:23-25. Have you made plans to attend each and every service?     


2)  Invite OthersDo as Cornelius who "called together his kinsmen and near friends" (Acts 10:24) when Peter was coming to "tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved" (Acts 11:14; John 4:29-30).  This meeting is an opportunity for folks to hear "the power of God unto salvation"(Rom.1:16

Hopefully we have already been inviting and praying for others to attend this meeting so they can make plans to come. Let’s offer to pick them up and bring them to the meeting. Let’s take a real interest in their soul and show them that we really care.    

 3)  Pray For This MeetingThe elders here are challenging every member of the Englewood church to continue to pray every day for the success of our meeting and to be active in our role of planning, inviting and praying.  


Pray for brother Alexander and for those you invite (Matt.9:38).  Pray that the lost will be saved, the erring restored, and the local church edified. There is power in prayer, as "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much"(Jas. 5:16).  Let's use it!  This meeting will be as successful as what we determine to make it! 


Think about it…what if someone youinvited desired to obey the gospel? 

                       How do you think that would make you feel? 


Why, there is nothing in this world that you could do that would make you any happier than being instrumental in one’s salvation…see 1stCor.3:5-9;Jas.5:19-20.